One of the leading causes of blindness in Australia is glaucoma, not only because of the aging population but also mostly because many of those affected do not know they have glaucoma. It often develops so gradually there is very little noticeable change in the qualities of vision, or that any changes are attributed to growing age. The intent of this article is to create awareness on glaucoma and its effects on a person.
Many instances of degraded vision have been attributed to growing old, and most of these may be accurate. But your
Coffs Harbour optometrist can tell you that the reasons why aging can cause vision degradation has not been explained much, so that is has become almost a catch-all phrase for many problems associated with it. However, medicine recognizes glaucoma as one of the reasons for poor vision, so you can ask your optometrist in Coffs Harbour for the symptoms of glaucoma.
How glaucoma develops:
Glaucoma is a type of eye disease that progressively damages the optic nerves, altering the optic nerve head and the retina. Two theories have been advanced as to its cause: 1} the ‘mechanical’ theory which states that the inordinate pressure of the aqueous humor causes damage to the tissues of the optic nerve, while the 2} ‘vascular’ theory insists that optic deterioration is due to nerves decaying from lack of nutrition. A new third theory postulates that changes in the internal pressures of the eye orb damage the retinal and optic construction so that they become more easily damaged. However, this third theory is still under close study.
Different types of glaucoma:
There are different types of glaucoma, but the most common form is open-angle glaucoma. This type develops slowly and painlessly, so you may not notice any symptoms in the early stages. As the condition progresses, you may experience vision problems, such as difficulty seeing at night or decreased peripheral (side) vision.
If you have any of these symptoms, you must see an eye doctor immediately for a complete eye exam. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to protecting your vision from further damage.
Glaucoma detection procedures:
Normally, when glaucoma is suspected, three tests are made to detect its presence. The first is optic disc assessment, which measures the optic discs according to a set of rules, so that variation from normal may be due to the disease. The second, visual field assessment, measures how the eye perceives the difference between a background color and the color of the object in the foreground. There are several subdivisions of eye defects classified under this method, dealing mostly with damage to the retina. Visual field assessment tests are usually repeated when glaucoma is seen, just for accuracy of prognosis.
The third method is IOP test that measures the intraocular pressure within the eyeball. This seems to be the least reliable among the assessments inasmuch as measuring the IOP cannot take into account every conceivable variation in the corneal thickness, elasticity, curvature and other properties. Furthermore, there are known differences among races in the structure of the eye, so the corneal variations may well be infinite.
The effects of glaucoma:
The impact of glaucoma on afflicted individuals may be seen in their movements and accidents. Patients tend to move slow because they cannot readily see what is before them, and consequently suffer more falls than average. The constant peering down to see what they step on also lead to posture deformities. However, according to new reports, vehicular accidents involving people with glaucoma are 50% less than those without the disease. This is attributed to greater carefulness practiced by those who realize they have glaucoma, and the avoidance of driving conditions dangerous for them. There are always positive and negative effects of anything.
Do you have glaucoma?
If you have blurry or indistinct vision, perhaps you should have your eyes checked for glaucoma. There are therapies and remedial measures on how to minimize its effects, if not totally heal a person of the eye disease.
Treatment for glaucoma typically involves prescription eye drops to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP). Surgery may sometimes be necessary to improve fluid drainage from the eye. If you have risk factors for glaucoma or are experiencing any vision problems, make an appointment with an eye doctor today. Early diagnosis and treatment can protect your vision and maintain good eye health.
AussieSpecs has the best optometrist in Coffs Harbour for the treatment of glaucoma!
We offer various services to help you manage your glaucoma and keep your vision healthy. Our team includes optometrists and ophthalmologists with extensive experience treating glaucoma and other eye conditions such as cataracts, retinal detachment and diabetic retinopathy. We are here to help you manage your vision needs throughout your lifetime – from childhood through into late adulthood!